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Tony Island FAQ

Purpose of Tony Island?

Have you ever ordered from your vendor partners?

Who runs Tony Island?

Do you help Tony Island visitors resolve vendor problems, issues, etc?

Do you accept suggestions, comments,
criticisms, etc

Do you earn any money from your
featured vendors?

What do you do with all 
your earnings from Tony Island?



Purpose of Tony Island?
The main purpose of Tony Island is for trading Non-Sport Trading Cards. Additional purposes are to introduce people to me and the things I enjoy, such as Space:1999, and as a "Web portal" that combines several vendors where you can buy various merchandise.
Who runs Tony Island?
Tony Island is run by Anthony D your host!
Do you accept suggestions, comments, criticisms, etc?
Yes! Please share with me your experiences on Tony Island. I want to make this Web site a fun place to visit and I can only do that if people share their thoughts and ideas with me. I'm not the most creative person around, so please share! Send your input to: .
Have you ever ordered from your vendor partners?
Yes. is a premier Internet retailer. Buy with confidence!
Do you help Tony Island visitors resolve vendor problems, issues, etc?
Not directly. Once you link to the vendor's page, you are under their domain. That does not mean you should not alert me to any problems you may have with a Tony Island featured vendor. I can write to the vendor to help in resolving the issue, though I can not mediate or otherwise interfere in their handling of your order. If I find that a vendor has repeated problems, then that vendor will be removed immediately from Tony Island. As of February 08, 2009 , I am unaware of any featured vendor posing a problem with any Tony Island visitor.
Do you earn any money from your featured vendors?
Yes. I earn a rather small percentage on each order that is placed from Tony Island directly. I do not earn any commissions on any subsequent orders you place directly with a vendor. I'd appreciate if you place all your orders from a link on Tony Island, but, of course, you are free to place your order anyway you want!
What do you do with all your earnings from Tony Island?
Well, not much! So far, I've earned about $50.00!

Tony Island Help


  Tony Island is best viewed in 800x600 screen size (minimum 256 colors). Using Microsoft Internet Explorer will give best results as the site was developed using Microsoft FrontPage 2000. There are no Microsoft Internet Explorer specific elements on this site, so Netscape Navigator should work just fine, too. Please let me know if any browser does not work properly.
You should have your browser "maximized" so that you can see more of Tony Island with less scrolling around.
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© 1999 - 2009 Tony Island

non-sport cards, dvd, web ring, entertainment cards, space:1999, space: 1999, eagle, martin landau, barbara bain, gerry anderson